sunny slopes of the hindu kush

sunny slopes of the hindu kush
Willard Kurtz's room

Monday, December 6, 2010

what winter means

The weather in Bagram has been warm and nice. Like good fall days in Montana near the end of September where the mornings and evenings are cool with the sun giving off plenty of warmth during the day. Here no rain for over a month. There isn't any snow in the high peaks and the fighting continues. The hospital stays busy. This is the metric I use.

If the weather turns cold the bad guys can't hide their weapons in the ground. It is to frozen. They also aren't as mobile. Less water in the spring means poor crops and less funding for the Taliban. Eventually the mountain passes will close and the fighters will cross the Pakistan border and wait. This is their strength time.

We have elections and a population raised on instant gratification. They will cross the border and heal up to see what spring brings. Time is their trump card.

1 comment:

  1. It hasn't been that bad of a winter for me personally, I have been constantly surprised how warm it is during the workday; however the nights & early mornings have been very chilly to say the least Mr Mike Geary. Nice blog activity with the periodic updates on all things with us Soldiers fighting the good fight, appreciate your passion sir & I look forward to coming to Montana this coming summer to check out your expedition ;o)
